Texas Woman's University is a comprehensive public university offering bachelors, masters', and doctoral degree programs. Both a teaching and research institution, the university emphasizes the liberal arts and specialized or professional studies.
Texas Woman's University, with an enrollment of almost 12,000, is the nation's largest university established primarily for women. Its unique historical role in Texas higher education has resulted in a strong commitment to the social service professions.
TWU's 270-acre main campus is located in Denton, just 35 miles north of the Metroplex, the nation's eighth largest urban center. Clinical centers in Dallas and Houston provide upper-level and graduate studies in the health sciences. This expertise is reflected in the LCC program through emphasis on executive wellness in Module II.
Module II is coordinated by the History and Government Department, which also offers criminal justice academic studies. The social, legal, and political environment in which enforcement executives work is the primary focus for Module II.
Hotel accommodations in Denton are arranged for participants at Module II. Meals are catered by theUniversity.
Note: Schedule subject to change